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WELCOME! In this blog, I will summarize podcasts and educational topics that I feel are relevant and that I am passionate about related to your health and wellness. Please listen to the full podcast mentioned for all the information. I encourage you to continue to explore these topics on your own. 

Benefits of Regular Sauna Use

"Sauna Benefits Deep Dive and Optimal Use with Dr. Rhonda Patrick" In this video, Dr. Patrick discusses the research behind the...

Why Anemia is Misunderstood

Anemia is when the blood does not contain the clinically indicated amount of red blood cells. Insufficient red blood cells prevent the...

Thyroid by Red Pill Your Healthcast

With Dr. Charlie Fagenholz and Lauren Johnson, APRN Charlie and Lauren discuss the root cause of thyroid issues and considerations from a...

“Antibiotics” by Red Pill Your Healthcast

Dr. Charlie Fagenholz and Lauren Johnson, APRN The purpose of this post is to outline the information presented in this episode of Red...

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