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Adrenal Cocktails: Not Really Cocktails

Writer's picture: Amanda DuncanAmanda Duncan

Updated: May 18, 2023

What Is an Adrenal Cocktail?

Are you looking for something more natural to address mid-day fatigue and support your adrenal function? You may have heard this term at some point in your life: “adrenal fatigue”. The explanation of adrenal fatigue starts with an understanding of your anatomy. Your adrenal glands are located on your kidneys, one on either side of your body. The kidneys regulate the production of multiple different hormones. Two important ones include cortisol and aldosterone. Interestingly, cortisol helps to maintain the balance of potassium, while aldosterone maintains the balance of sodium. Chronic stress in an individual’s life can be a factor for depleting these minerals, leading to fatigue. Unaddressed, the problem persists. Other areas of your life can then be affected, like quality of sleep, adding to the cycle of unrest and exhaustion.

Why Adrenal Cocktails?

The idea of an adrenal cocktail is basically to use the blend of vitamin C, potassium and essential minerals to support your system for energy and maintain electrolyte balance. The system supported specifically is referred to as your HPA axis or hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal axis. Learn more about your HPA axis here.

How Your Cells Benefit from a Cocktail

An adrenal cocktail can also support the normal function of your cells. If you recall in grade school science, you learned about the sodium potassium pump of the cell. This is what makes every healthy living cell in your body work properly. Yes - you need to stay hydrated with water, but if you are not getting the water into your cells by way of that sodium potassium pump working properly, you are not effectively hydrating. An adrenal cocktail contains a foundational blend of nutrients. It can be a boost to your energy for the day, allowing you to eliminate that habit of swinging by to get an expensive coffee to result in a later crash in energy and further addiction to caffeine.

How To Make a Cocktail

To make this process less daunting for people who have busy lives, try preparing on a weekend and having the components ready in a mason jar or make your cocktail to go for the next day just like you would put coffee in a carrier cup to take with you. Other alternatives are premade cocktail blends that you can purchase. Here is one example:

When Should I Drink This?

Ideally between the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. This is based off a normal circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is the internal clock in your body that regulates sleep and wake through the release of hormones named cortisol and melatonin.

If your blood sugar is something you are working on managing better, trying to create a better balance between glucose and protein by adding a protein source like collagen to the cocktail or pairing the cocktail with a protein-rich snack. Ideally, you will get your protein from an animal source, as animal protein offers a source for a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids, building blocks needed for cell repair in your body. Compare this to plant sources of protein and you will see that you are still missing components for full benefit to your health. Therefore, plant sources of protein are not wrong. Animal sources may not be an option if you are vegetarian or vegan, but I am always going to advocate for the best option. You must decide good, better, best for you.

What Makes Up an Adrenal Cocktail?

The basic components are: a source of Vitamin C from orange or another whole food source, a source of potassium from cream of tartar or coconut water, and a source of minerals including sodium from sea salt.

Spoiler alert: contrary to popular belief, sodium is NOT bad for you when portioned correctly and from a natural source. This goes back to your cellular needs for sodium to function properly. For the sodium component, I use Redmond brand, which contains ninety or so other trace minerals to benefit your body. Another option is Himalayan sea salt.


Option 1


- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt

- 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

- Juice from 2 freshly squeezed oranges (best is organic - the value is in the fresh squeezed orange so consider not skimping by purchasing the concentrated version or the juice squeezed for you with added sugar seen in store-bought juice options)

Option 2


- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt

- 4 oz coconut water (I like Harmless Harvest brand)

- 1/4 teaspoon whole food C powder (Immune Aid from Earthley or Acerola powder from Perfect Supplements)

- 2 oz of Ningxia Red (antioxidant wolf berry puree) (This is a fancy addition and more pricey but not mandatory.)

Other optional add-ins:

- 1 scoop collagen powder (I use the multi collagen from Ancient Nutrition)

- Alternative to cream of tartar is potassium bicarbonate or potassium chloride.

- 1/2 cup coconut milk

You can stir well or get fancy with a whisk or frother to mix.


“Cure Your Fatigue” by Morley Robbins

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