Dr. Charlie Fagenholz and Lauren Johnson, APRN
The purpose of this post is to outline the information presented in this episode of Red Pill Your Healthcast.
Awareness is key. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed in western medicine today. Some may argue too much without understanding of the result in the body after the course is complete.
In this podcast, Charlie and Lauren discuss the history of antibiotics, how they are used now, the proper place for them, how frequently they are used and considerations for replenishing the gut post use.
Some common infections antibiotics are used for include urinary tract infections (UTI's) and ear infections. Lauren makes a point that redness is not always an indicator for need for an antibiotic. When you kill “biotics” or bacteria with an anti-biotic, you are targeting both good and bad bacteria but this does not specifically target parasites, yeast, viruses and fungus.
Lauren mentions the book “Whitewash: The Story of Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science” by Carey Gillam, which talks about the prevalence and effects of glyphosate on our health. The book mentions Monsanto's involvement in the FDA and EPA and shady political and financial implications for the use of things like glyphosate. Glyphosate is an antibiotic. We are seeing resistance of weeds by farmers in the world of agriculture. This is sprayed on all crops that are not organic and even gets into the air. If you go to a restaurant to eat, you do not really know how much glyphosate you may be consuming.
Charlie mentions the mechanism of how glyphosate works in that it causes the insects that consume the plants with it on it to cause explosion of their guts. Basically, if you are consuming a plant that has this on it, it is suggested that this will have negative effects on your gut as a human eating an anti-biotic used on plants. He also notes some research on individuals with breast cancer and the finding of depleted microbiome diversity in the breast tissue of the individuals with breast cancer.
Lauren reminds us to “Control the controllables.” The “controllables” include eating responsibly sourced foods to avoid antibiotics that you may consume because of consuming meat like chicken and beef that has been injected with antibiotics. This is also present in pasteurized conventional dairy.
Lauren mentions some of the known resulting health issues linked to antibiotics, which include asthma, juvenile arthritis, allergies, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, weight gain and obesity. Anti-biotics use has been linked to gut dysbiosis in obesity and how it negatively effects the microbiome. The vagus nerve is very connected to the digestive tract. Therefore, issues with the gut ties to the nervous system and can affect mental status and influence things like depression. Charlie states “A good thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing still.”
Antibiotics increase your TH-2 dominance which subsequently causes histamine to go up. TH-2 cells are immune cells that ideally should be balanced with TH-1, not in overabundance.
Charlie discusses the relationship of the cervical spine with things like allergies and how addressing the structure can affect the function of the body. The specific segment he mentions is called the atlas, which is the first cervical vertebra of the neck.
Lauren goes into several supplements and essential oils that can be used for children’s bodies to address ailments like ear infections in place of antibiotics. Other methods include nebulizers and nasal rinses. Gua Sha is a method that involves gently scraping the skin with a small tool to address sinus headaches and to help with lymphatic drainage. This is painless generally and is usually done with a tool like a soft stone material.
Charlie supports the use of muscle testing, functional medicine and an appropriate diet that addresses the health of your gut and microbiome to help with repeated sinus infections.
(NET) is neuro emotional technique. Lauren supports this for addressing unresolved emotions that can present as physical ailments like infections.
A commonly resulting issue after antibiotics is yeast infections. Charlie states that increased ammonia production depletes GABA and increases restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. Lauren adds that your ability to support the nervous system is important. For example, taking time to go outside and get sunlight, breath and relax instead of watching the news if this is an agitator for you.
A favorite supplement mentioned by Charlie is scutellaria supreme, which is also called Chinese skullcap. This has been found to rebuild the gut lining, rebuild the gut brain barrier, produce glutathione, calm the mind, regenerate the nerves, help with lymph flow, act as anti-mold, anti-candida, anti-viral and anti-epstein barr virus. Charlie backs this as safe during pregnancy but states that anti-biotics are risky during pregnancy due to the effect on the nervous system.
Check out this episode of their podcast for more specific treatments, oils and products they recommend.
Fagenholz, C., & Johnson, L. (Hosts). (2023, January 20). Antibiotics (No. 18) [Audio podcast episode]. In Red Pill Your Healthcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/antibiotics/id1645517159?i=1000595641857